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What is true success?
Now being ‘LIVE’ …
People share their enjoyable memories when telling their past achievements. If they are slightly younger they dreams of success they will realize in the future. Why we should think and talk about the future and past? Is it because of our conviction that our past success may not be possible anymore? Or our future success will be very different from the former? So it is a kind of escape with which we distract ourselves… Why does man deceive himself with old or new dreams? Now we can be successful? Now cannot we be successful? Are we not successful currently? Is a self-understanding human in serenity, comfort and self-confidence not successful at the moment? What can be a real success? People living in the past or future dreams, i.e. Is the escaping person alive? People are successful only now. Because real success is being LIVE (LIVE). Real success is not past or future success but being live now. Training is to understand this… This is one of essentials of mission of LIVE Consulting & Academy.